Kids These Days
This four-week sermon series seeks to help adults better understand what challenges children and youth are facing today in an effort to encourage greater empathy and equip adults for greater discipleship of the next generation. Each week we will look at a unique challenge “kids these days” are facing, not just as individuals but as Christians, too. It’s important to understand the struggles of our younger brothers and sisters so that we might be able to comfort them with the comfort that we, ourselves, have received from God.
2024/06/02 - Kids These Days - Week 1 Pastor Rob Brower begins a brand new series talking about how the way we act toward teens in the midst of disagreement, the way we talk to them and hear them, will make a big impact in how they come to view God and the world. |
2024/06/09 - Kids These Days - Week 2 Pastor Rob Brower talks about how teens are experiencing the stress of “cancel culture” from all ideological sides; they need the help of adults in their lives to live faithfully, be the people Christ called us to be, love like He loved in the exact way He described, and show the joy and fulfillment that comes from a relationship with God. We are not called to be successful or powerful but to be faithful disciples. |
2024/06/16 - Kids These Days - Week 3 Pastor Rob Brower tells us about how we are to help youth who are facing peer pressure more pervasively than ever and the older generations are to live out a life of faithful discipleship themselves and through their example to help equip this new generation with what they need to make the right decision. |
2024/06/23 - Kids These Days - Week 4 Pastor Rob Brower wraps up the sermon series talking about how the physical presence of our brothers and sisters in Christ is a great comfort and support in our lives also this generation has the greatest, most deceptive disability, because of that if we are to help them in any way, we must understand the depth and breadth of this real adversary: the attack on human connection and authentic relationship, which must go beyond tolerance, acceptance, and niceness. |