Questions We're Afraid To Ask
This four-week message series challenges us to face some of the questions we’re afraid to ask God, each other, and ourselves.
2024/08/11 - Week 1 Pastor Rob Brower tackles the tough questions: How do I know if I’ve committed the unforgivable sin? Will I spend eternity in hell if I make that one mistake? |
2024/08/18 - Week 2
Pastor Rob Brower tackles the questions: If I don't forgive others, will God really not forgive me? |
2024/08/25 - Questions We're Afraid To Ask - Week 3 Pastor Rob Brower tackles the question: If the church is supposed to be a place of love, trust, and acceptance, why don’t I feel comfortable sharing my struggles or asking others in the church for help? |
2024/09/01 - Question's We're Afraid To Ask - Week 4 Pastor Rob Brower tackles a question almost everyone asks "If God is my perfect heavenly Father who is all-loving, all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful, why does he allow bad things to happen to me?" |