Divine Interruptions
Together we'll explore the interruptions and unexpected moments in Christ’s ministry. Jesus’s reaction to the people and disruptions that occur around Him help us recognize that God is sovereign. He can use these “accidents” and “interruptions” for His glory, and we can find grace in the divine interruptions that occur in our own lives.
2023/09/10 - Divine Interruptions - Week 1 (Baptismal Sunday) Join us as Pastor Rob Brower talks about how Jesus interrupts our ordinary lives with His purposes and changes our whole trajectory. |
2023/09/17 - Divine Interruptions - Week 2 Join us as Pastor Rob Brower explains that children do not hinder the work of God. They are a welcome interruption to every believer’s life and a model of faith and joy. Jesus welcomes the children and encourages us to come to the kingdom with childlike faith. |
2023/09/24 - Divine Interruptions - Week 3 Join us as guest speaker Clark Roberts, apart of Ultimate Vision, talks about how people are hurting. We cannot follow Jesus’s example and be unwilling to respond to those who reach out for help—even when it is inconvenient to our schedules or ideologies. |
2023/10/01 - Divine Interruptions - Week 4 Join us as Pastor Josh Carpenter explains to us about how God is not too busy to be interrupted by your concerns to allow him to shoulder your load. |