Kids Ministry
At SSC, we cherish children as God's gift and vital members of Christ's family. Our goal is to create a safe, loving space where they can learn and thrive in God's love. With Sunday classes, exciting events, and age-appropriate activities, our programs are led by dedicated staff and volunteers passionate about nurturing children's faith. Rest assured, we prioritize your child's safety with our secure check-in system, thorough volunteer screening, and training. We can't wait to welcome your family to SSC! Monthly Memory Verse“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) |
Children's Pastor |
Current Message SeriesEvery day is full of adventures that we get to choose. Some adventures are small, like choosing which book to read. Others are bigger, like deciding how to react when a family member makes us upset. It’s not always easy to know what is best but there is hidden treasure you can take into every choice: wisdom. Together we can choose wisdom, by not choosing sides, choosing our words carefully, choosing to do good, and choosing God! |