Mourn Again
This series invites us into the Lenten season, a time of repentance and mourning over our sin. In mourning for our sin, we are reminded what it was like to come to Christ for the very first time. This Lent, we will remember what it means to encounter Christ with afresh, taking nothing for granted—neither our wrongdoings nor our salvation. We come face to face once more with our ungodly behavior, open our hearts to remorse, and receive forgiveness and our hope in Jesus,
who is the Christ.
who is the Christ.
2024/02/18 - Mourn Again - Week 1 Join us as Pastor Josh Carpenter leads us, into a new sermon series titled Mourn Again, talking about how in this season, we must stop to remember our conversion and return to Christ with a repentant heart and we will find that if we truly value the grace of God, we will act in a way that shows how we treasure it. |
2024/02/25 - Mourn Again - Week 2 Join us as Pastor Rob Brower talks about how God’s mercy ought to be a point of change for us; if we experience the grace of God and remain unchanged, we have missed the point entirely and if we choose to be an insulator, forgiveness doesn’t truly reach us either. |
2024/03/03 - Mourn Again - Week 3 Join us as Pastor Rob Brower talks about how we are to look forward to Christ, rather than clinging to anything we have done ourselves and let us find ourselves focusing on Christ, letting all else fall to the wayside, because for we who seek first the kingdom of God are promised to find everything in Christ. |
2024/03/10 - Mourn Again - Week 4 Pastor John Benshoof discusses that there is joy walking hand in hand with the mournful notions of the Lenten season. We have been brought into God's family by the work of Jesus Christ. Today, we celebrate that, through Christ, we are no longer who we once were. |
2024/03/17 - Mourn Again - Week 5 Pastor Rob Brower explains that the death of Jesus showed us the love of God is not mere sentiment but robust action—action that revealed once and for all who he is, also because of Christ, and only Christ, we find ourselves welcomed home again. |
2024/03/24 - Mourn Again - Week 6 Pastor Rob Brower wraps up the sermon series Mourn Again talking about how Palm Sunday turns the tone from solemn to surreal—it’s Jesus, the Messiah, the Lamb of God, the Christ, the Son of God, shouting Hosanna in the highest! |