The Implications of Easter
This four-week series explores the implications of the resurrection. The resurrection changed everything! Through observing Scripture, we find that the resurrection proclaimed victory over sin, gave hope to believers for eternal life, and becomes the main event for the Great Commission of the church.
2023/04/23 - The Implications of Easter - Week 2 Don't miss Week 2 of our sermon series, "The Implications of Easter," where Pastor Rob Brower unpacks the profound message of our future hope and eternal life through the resurrection of Jesus. Join us as we explore the transformative implications of Easter and discover the unshakable hope that believers have in the promise of resurrection. |
2023/04/30 - The Implications of Easter - Week 3 Join us for Week 3 of our series, "The Implications of Easter." As we reflect on the resurrection of Christ, Pastor Rob Brower will illuminate the profound implications it holds for our lives. Discover how through His victory over sin and death, believers are liberated from the bondage of darkness and sin, enabling us to live in freedom and embrace the abundant life God has called us to. |
2023/05/07 - The Implications of Easter - Week 4 Join us as Pastor Rob Brower concludes our series, "The Implications of Easter." We will explore the profound significance of Christ's resurrection as the catalyst for the mission of the church. Discover how this momentous event empowers us to reflect the Kingdom of God and spread the life-transforming Gospel to the world around us. |