This four-week series addresses the issue of wounds in our personal lives and in our church community. How we respond to our wounds and to those who wound us matters. When we look to God and the future He has planned for us, we can process our trauma and heal from our wounds.
2023/10/08 - Wounds - Week 1 (Communion) Join us as Pastor Rob Brower begins a new series titled "Wounds" talking about how we must not wound others in retaliation for their hurtful actions toward us. |
2023/10/15 - Wounds - Week 2 Join us as Pastor Rob Brower talks about dealing with personal hurts and trusting in God’s goodness do not need to be mutually exclusive, because we can do both in prayer. |
2023/10/22 - Wounds - Week 3 Join us as Chris Gregory talks about how dealing with church hurt requires repentance and forgiveness, as well as how the two must go together so that the enemy does not win through the disunity of the church. |
2023/10/29 - Wounds - Week 4 Join us as Pastor Rob Brower wraps up the sermon series "Wounds" talking about how as Christians, we look forward to the day when God will heal everything that is broken in us and in the world, however until then, we remind ourselves of our hope every day. |